Swiss Memberships with a Safety Net (or other big benefits!)
There are a number of organisations in Switzerland that grant members benefits that are disproportional to the membership cost. Here I share a few I have found!
Since moving to Switzerland, I have noticed a few memberships or organisations that you can join with particularly appealing benefits.
I thought it would be useful to compile a few of these in one place.
General Memberships
- Rega - CHF 40 a year - "Rega can waive or reduce the costs of the rescue mission, whether wholly or in part, if they are not covered by the patron's insurance".
- Swiss Paraplegic - CHF 45 a year - "Members receive 250,000 francs if they sustain a spinal cord injury in an accident and end up in a wheelchair permanently. Payment is made rapidly, without red tape, and irrespective of insurance benefits, where the accident happens and where treatment takes place."
- - CHF 22.45 per month for a household - Covers legal insurance costs for any topic in Switzerland.
Niche Memberships
- Schweizer Unterwasser-Sport-Verband SUSV - CHF 95 a year - membership to the Swiss underwater sport federation includes diving insurance, civil liability insurance as well as legal protection insurance
- GreenBuzz - starts from CHF 95 a year - besides getting access to great events & a great community, Greenbuzz members get a 15% discount on St Gallen CAS Leading Sustainability Transformation (a CHF 2,512.5 saving!)

Do you know any interesting clubs or associations that grant members unique benefits?
Drop a comment and I will update the post!