Be the person with the laser pointer

Why buying a laser pointer and putting it in your work bag is a good idea.

Be the person with the laser pointer
Thank you Urs Breitenmoser for the photos from Cycling HACK 2024

A few years ago a partner I worked for gave me a great tip.

"Tom, when you're starting your career - you always want to be the person in the room with the marker pen and the laser pointer in your bag".

It was good advice. In the moment of a busy meeting, being the one who keeps the flow going by having the backup laser pointer for presentations - it's never going to be a bad association.

The years have passed, and maybe the post-it notes are more likely to be digital now on Mural, but the advice still stands.

A fortnight ago, I laughed as a grabbed into my bag at the start of Cycling HACK 24 and reached for my laser pointer.

This thing is something like seven years old. I went home the night Jack gave me that tip, and bought it. Here it is, years later still serving me well and helping me be prepared.

Thanks Jack. Now, go buy a laser pointer!